Gratitude. This week, next week, and forever.
This one is sacred, y’all.
This week, the U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving, and it is a general opportunity for many to focus on gratefulness.
But if you know me for a minute, you know that gratitude is a daily practice, and its powerful presence is such an immense reminder of the lightness and goodness to which we are susceptible if only we allow ourselves to pause and focus.
Gratitude will - not can, but will - bring JOY into our lives.
Today, I invite you to dedicate 30 minutes to a meditative practice of gratitude.
I incorporate the 7 chakras into this practice, and invite you to experience the ability to bring awareness into all the aspects of our lives for which we can be grateful.
You don’t have to know anything about yoga, or chakras, or energy points in the body.
You only have to allow your mind, breath, and body to touch base with thankfulness, and to receive the bounty that is provided for us when we focus on the intention of gratitude.
In this recorded meditation, we will touch base with our chakras:
Root Chakra: stability, groundedness, the color red
Sacral Chakra: pleasure, creativity, the color orange
Solar Plexus Chakra: will, determination, the color yellow
Heart Chakra: love, compassion, the color green
Throat Chakra: communication, voice, the color blue
Third Eye Chakra: intuition, awareness, the color purple
Crown Chakra: spirituality, higher knowledge, the color white
Please join me for this special, dedicated practice that invites you to bring mindful gratitude to all aspects of your life.
I am so grateful for you.
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